Harding's Political Quiz

This political quiz was designed by E. Harding as a replacement for most existing ones, due to the utterly unnecessary multicollinearity in their dimensions' axes. Some question wording may be biased due to my obvious contempt for the position. Relax and answer to the best of your beliefs and ability. Internet Explorer does not support the modern JavaScript in this quiz. This quiz is purely client-side, so no one but you can see your results. If you want to record your results into the scatter plot at the bottom, contact me on Twitter @Enopoletus.

Left/right questions

Paul Ryan is best described as

Should all theft from private property owners during natural disasters be punished (given zero policing costs, etc.)?

Which comes closest to your views on Martin Luther King?

Do you agree with the Chinese economic reforms of the 1980s?

What stance most closely aligns with your thoughts on marriage?

Do you support eliminating all taxes on investment income?

"[Insert tortured liberal qualifiers] but ultimately Castro was good"

"Nobody is worth hundreds of millions. Nobody. The life of the CEO making all that money is worth no more and no less than the life of the drunk homeless guy who offended Justin Keller by leaning on his car. The person who had the capital and the support to be able to go to college, make profitable connections, and get the investments to begin a startup is not working harder than the person who is doing two minimum wage jobs and getting periodically laid off by a volatile economy, and I am disgusted by these people who have failed to learn these basic lessons in life. But greed and short-sighted selfishness and a lack of empathy seem to make up the recipe for financial success, which allows these oblivious parasites to foster more greed and short-sighted selfishness and lack of empathy."

Do you support agnosticism about the genetic characteristics of those you want to be born?

Government-run schools for the general public should be disbanded, replaced, if with anything, by an increase to the child tax credit

The U.S. should adopt single-payer healthcare, as Taiwan and Canada have long done

Should insurers be required to cover pre-existing conditions (even for nonwhites)?

Should over 95% of illegal immigrants who arrived in the US before the age of 18, and guilty of no other crime, be subject to deportation if caught?

Foreign aid from the richer to the poorer nations should be dramatically increased

Do you approve of interracial marriage?

So-called "price-gouging" and "speculation" during natural disasters should be prohibited

Universal government-guaranteed basic income is basically a good idea

Children of illegal immigrants should be permitted to be taught in government-owned schools

Rent control is basically a good idea

Affirmative action for the benefit of underrepresented racial minorities is basically a good idea

You have answered out of questions. You are % right-wing.

Foreign policy questions

What comes closest to your view?

The Trump administration is best modeled as a

Do you support sanctions against Russia for any reason whatsoever?


The Iraq War was

Which comes closest to your view about the President's airstrike against Syria in response to alleged Syrian use of chemical weapons in al-Qaeda occupied territory?

Should foreigners be allowed to express views about the U.S. in any way that might influence the opinion of a person in the U.S. on an American election?

What are your thoughts about the Israeli airstrikes within Syria?

Do you support the American military presence in Syrian Kurdistan?

Did you support the overthrow of President Yanukovich of Ukraine?

Which comes closest to your view about the Iran Protests?

Do you think the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi was a good thing?

What is Putin's approval rating?

Do you support a U.S.-backed regime change operation in North Korea?

Do you support U.S. sanctions against Cuba?

Are the demands of some Iranian protestors that the present government must fall even remotely representative of the opinions of the Iranian electorate?

Did you support North Korea's treatment of Otto Warmbier?

Do you find it concerning the U.S. and its de facto allies form over two thirds of the world's military budget, while China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran form less than a quarter?

Which comes closest to your views about the maritime empires of old (e.g., British, French, Belgian, German, Dutch, Japanese)?

It is dangerous to attempt to impose so-called superior ways of life on other countries

You have answered out of questions. You are % anti-imperialist.

Your Results

SSC subreddit and Discord (including banned) members' results are in yellow; persons found through U.S. Election Atlas and related channels are in magenta. Those who happen to be both are in white. Yellow box is one standard deviation from the mean for SSC subreddit members.
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