This is a tool made to test percieved brightness of and contrast between different colors.
The WC3 and sRGB weightings, as well as their weightings being inputed into a weighted Euclidean distance
(labeled sRGB.G and W3C.G, respectively), are included for your enlightenment. I have found W3C.G to yield
the most accurate results for brightness.
When you feel that all three
colors displayed in the box are equally bright, click the equals sign to automatically assign your
color weightings for you. Test the traditional chinese colors (red, yellow, and blue/dull cyan) or the computer pixel colors
(red, green blue)
The values under Text v. Left, Text v. Right, and Left v. Right
refer only to the distances between COLORS (hues)-not differences in percieved brightness! The first number under Text v. Left,
Text v. Right, and Left v. Right weighs all the colors equally (i.e., considers the color space a cube); the second number
weighs the colors by the weights under "Your values for percieved color brightness" (i.e., considers the color space a
rectangular prism; i.e., considers all the colors of equal distance from each other only when they are of the same percieved
The values under Contrast, on the other hand, are simply the differences in colors and the differences in brightness multiplied by each other and divided by 100.
The first number under Contrast uses the first value under Text v. Left/Text v. Right/Left v. Right as the input for the difference in colors; the second uses the second value.